
Who did it and how was it done.



So I have a mixed review of this company.

In some ways this guy was amazing. When we first moved in the backyard had been gutted and water was flowing like a river whenever it rained. To bring it back to life we hired Holladay Builders – who immediately turned us over to Ryan Neese and his firm Piedmont Landcare. We were aware of the possibility of an existing pool under the yard but had been informed that it was no trouble – but that wasn’t the case at all. Upon digging we discovered that the pool hadn’t been properly decommissioned at all. It was completely full of water – no holes had been drilled and the everything but some decking and a small piece of the north end that had obviously been removed to lower the water level (about 8 inches) was still intact.

It was bad. Really bad.

The ground was waving like you were walking on Jello.

We had to do something drastic. So we did.

LANDSCAPING  |  Piedmont Landcare
OWNER  |  Ryan Neese
CONTACT  |  336.399.0993

So there are pros and cons here with both Holladay and Piedmont Landcare. The pro is that Ryan at Piedmont Landcare got the pool dug out during a time where getting anything done in construction was nearly impossible. It was a major project that took up the entire spring and planting season. The con is that once the pool was out and the wall we had originally contracted up we made the mistake of paying in full and much of what was left was uncompleted and everyone simply disappeared. The ground was not levelled, some of the drainage was left incomplete, and the dirt to grow plants in was and is woefully inadequate – and any semblance of the necessary nutrients for the plants drain straight into the massive amount of sand that was dumped in as filler instead of the dirt we were promised. Pleading phone calls and texts were ghosted and we finally just did the work ourselves. To this day we are adapting to the poor soil conditions and will be bulding raised beds this coming spring (2023) in order to grow vegetables successfully.

All in all I’d give Piedmont Landcare a C+. I didn’t appreciate being ghosted but it was nothing short of a miracle that Ryan got the pool out as quickly as he did. I’m going to decline giving Holladay a grade as they had little to do with the whole escapade.


Herbs, Vegetables & Flowers

Fred Pegram has a greenhouse set up with hundreds of varieties of herbs and perennials, eucalyptus, fig bushes and much more. He is only open certain Saturdays and weekends in Clemmons, North Carolina. Check him out on facebook!

Fred Pegram on facebook
GARDEN PLANTS  |  Fred Pegram
WHERE  |  Clemmons, NC
CONTACT  |  Facebook

Trees & Shrubs

Greensboro Shrub is a large wholesale supplier of trees and shrubs in the area with retail sales available both at their Greensboro nursery and at the Farmers Market on Sandy Ridge Road. They have a huge variety of plants and reasonable prices. Bring boots as sometimes it gets muddy there.

Fred Pegram on facebook
TREES & SHRUBS  |  Greensboro Shrub Nursery
WHERE  | 4514 Old Burlington Road, Greensboro, NC

Get Connected.

We welcome you to contact us for more information.

Let's talk about your project - and our workspace

Let us know if there is something we can do to help with your project!

Let's talk about art!

For more information about the art & various projects in our space please feel free to contact us. We also will soon be hosting creative meetups – give us a call if you need a space.

Let's talk about a stay

Our home will soon be listed for experiential stays and more. Sign up and we will keep you informed as we make progress toward our goals.

CALL: 336.588.6777

    Please contact us for more information.

    For more information about the art & various projects in our space please feel free to contact us. We also will soon be hosting creative meetups – give us a call if you need a space.
