Who did it and how was it done.
LANDSCAPING | Piedmont Landcare
OWNER | Ryan Neese
CONTACT | 336.399.0993
So there are pros and cons here with both Holladay and Piedmont Landcare. The pro is that Ryan at Piedmont Landcare got the pool dug out during a time where getting anything done in construction was nearly impossible. It was a major project that took up the entire spring and planting season. The con is that once the pool was out and the wall we had originally contracted up we made the mistake of paying in full and much of what was left was uncompleted and everyone simply disappeared. The ground was not levelled, some of the drainage was left incomplete, and the dirt to grow plants in was and is woefully inadequate – and any semblance of the necessary nutrients for the plants drain straight into the massive amount of sand that was dumped in as filler instead of the dirt we were promised. Pleading phone calls and texts were ghosted and we finally just did the work ourselves. To this day we are adapting to the poor soil conditions and will be bulding raised beds this coming spring (2023) in order to grow vegetables successfully.
All in all I’d give Piedmont Landcare a C+. I didn’t appreciate being ghosted but it was nothing short of a miracle that Ryan got the pool out as quickly as he did. I’m going to decline giving Holladay a grade as they had little to do with the whole escapade.