[zuperla_slogan title=”Cloudi Space Studio” subtitle=”Karen & Robert Niemczyk” inherit_align=”center” button_text=”More about me” button_color=”black” button_hover_color=”white” button_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Feuthemians.com%2Fthemes%2Fzuperla%2Fzuperla-personal-blog%2Fabout%2F|||” button2_text=””]Artist :: Engineer
Floating Lights, Digital Trees & Laments – Visual & Written Snippets of Life Under Siege.[/zuperla_slogan]
[zuperla_blog_leader blog_image_mode=”medium” animation=”” categories=”31″]
[zuperla_single_image image_type=”image-link” image_mode=”extra-extra-large” image=”561″ image_column_space=”100″ link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Feuthemians.com%2Fthemes%2Fzuperla||target:%20_blank|”]
[zuperla_title heading=”link-text” inherit_align=”center”]Picked Categories[/zuperla_title]
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[zuperla_media_box image_mode=”medium” image=”538″ overlay_color=”dark” overlay_opacity=”40″ title=”Art” heading=”h5″ title_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fcloudi.space%2Fcategory%2Fart|||” read_more_title=”More…”]Art is where my soul reaches out and my conscience resides.[/zuperla_media_box]
[zuperla_media_box image=”536″ retina_image=”448″ overlay_color=”dark” overlay_opacity=”50″ title=”Thoughts” heading=”h5″ title_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fcloudi.space%2Fcategory%2Fthoughts|||” read_more_title=”More…”]An assortment of subjects – from poetry to fact, editorial to fiction.[/zuperla_media_box]
[zuperla_media_box image=”559″ retina_image=”559″ overlay_color=”dark” overlay_opacity=”50″ title=”Lifestyle” heading=”h5″ title_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcloudi.space%2Fcategory%2Flifestyle%2F|||” read_more_title=”More…”]What we eat, how we play, and when we relax. A health perspective from a personal front line.[/zuperla_media_box]
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Get Connected.

We welcome you to contact us for more information.

Let's talk about your project - and our workspace

Let us know if there is something we can do to help with your project!

Let's talk about art!

For more information about the art & various projects in our space please feel free to contact us. We also will soon be hosting creative meetups – give us a call if you need a space.

Let's talk about a stay

Our home will soon be listed for experiential stays and more. Sign up and we will keep you informed as we make progress toward our goals.

CALL: 336.588.6777

    Please contact us for more information.

    For more information about the art & various projects in our space please feel free to contact us. We also will soon be hosting creative meetups – give us a call if you need a space.
